Conflict Minerals Policy
IMEC is committed to the responsible sourcing of materials used in our facility. While not directly required to comply with conflict minerals reporting requirements, we understand our role in the supply chain of our customers and our ethical obligation to not knowingly contribute to human rights violations, requires us to be as transparent as possible as to the sources of our materials.
It is IMEC’s policy to not knowingly use “conflict minerals” sourced from the conflict region of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and surrounding countries in the parts and assemblies we manufacture for our customers.
Based on a reasonably inquiry of our suppliers, to our knowledge, the parts and assemblies we manufacture for our customers do not use “conflict minerals” that originate from the Democratic Republic of the Congo and surrounding countries.
To request a copy of IMEC’s Conflict Minerals Reporting – EICC GeSI Conflicting Minerals Reporting Template, please contact us.